5 Birthday Gifts People Actually Want

I can’t believe that it is September already! There are so many wonderful things about it, which is why it’s my favourite season. You have the start of school, days are still warm enough for shorts and tee-shirts, there is a gentle transition between the seasons, fall scents are realized and, it’s a time for birthdays! Yep, thats why were doing a DIY gift article! If you guys like this post, you might see a party idea or maybe even a birthday haul! Let’s get into it!

#1: BFF Tee

This one is great for showing your bestie how much they mean to you. For this DIY, you need a printer, computer, a plain white t-shirt, an iron and iron-on transfers. Start off by finding an image that you think best suits your friendship. Selecting the image, put it in a word doc so that you are able to print it. ATTENTION: FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS ON YOUR IRON-ON TRANSFER PACKAGE *VERY* CAREFULLY! Once you have properly ironed on the image let your friend be surprised by how much thought you put into their gift!

#2: DIY Wall Decor

This one is perfect for that person you know that loves interior design. This DIY needs pictures/printed paper, scissors, two large sheets of laminate and painters tape. Take your pictures/pattern and arrange them how you want. Then, place your sheet of laminate on a flat surface, sticky side up. Arrange your pictures/pattern the way that you had them before with the image side also facing  up. With another piece of large laminate, place it very carefully overtop of the collage that you have created. Smooth out any air bubbles with your hand, then press the laminate firmly together, trimming off the excess. Give it to your friend with painters tape so that it won’t peel the paint off the wall.

#3: 100+ pillow

This one might take a little bit of time. You will need the colours of fabric you desire, stuffing and some hot glue. Draw and cut two rectangles of the same size with the same fabric and flip the good side of one fabric rectangle up, the other on top facing down. Lift up a couple centimetres on three of the sides and glue a nice seam. You can also sew if you want. Do not glue the fourth side! This is so you can flip it right side out and stuff it with as much stuffing as you please, gluing the fourth seam when your finished. Taking more fabric, make more pillow shapes, except do not stuff them so that they can be used as covers for the first pillow.

#4: Coffee Charger

This is for the coffee going friend that we all have. What you’ll need is a flimsy plastic coffee cup (like a Starbucks cup), a portable charger, an exact-o-knife and coffee coloured paint. start by plugging in a charging cord to the portable charger and stick it in the box. Mark a point on the outside of the cup where cord falls near the bottom. Remove the charger and start painting the inside of the cup. Once it is completely dry and everything has been painted, find the spot on the cup that you marked and carefully cut out a small hole using an exact -o-knife. Put the charger back in the cup and feed the cord through the hole. Add the top back on, which you can also paint coffee colour, stick a straw through and voila! Just make sure you don’t try to drink the “coffee”.

#5: Giant Candy

Who doesn’t love candy for their birthday? I know I do, so I’m going to show you guys how to make a giant Hershey Chocolate Bar. First off, I recommend making this on the day you want to give them the gift. You will need a lot of hershey chocolate and a rectangular cookie sheet. Melt all of you chocolate down to a liquid, pouring evenly on the cookie pan once melted. Chill the chocolate until completely solid and your done! I recommend wrapping the bar in tinfoil or parchment paper just to keep it fresh.

There you go! Five things that people will actually want you to make them! I hope this helps you guys! Let me know if you like these DIY gifts, because I can think of sooo many things that could come in handy! My question-of-the-post is: what time of year is your birthday? thats all for today, and remember that you are amazing! -GRACEFUL

6 replies to “5 Birthday Gifts People Actually Want

  1. Sorry for the late post! I think that I’m going to start posting on Fridays instead of Wednesdays so that I can work all week on posts! If you have any requests, drop them in the comments!


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